Student worksheet with teacher guide to accompany viewing of new Apple + Documentary

The Year Earth Changed, a new documentary on Apple TV+ narrated by David Attenborough, looks at how animals have responded to the pandemic year and what we can lean from it.
At 48 minutes, this documentary provides an excellent viewing experience for late elementary to high school students. Video footage from around the world illustrates how even small changes can make huge differences to the natural world. This documentary leaves you with a positive environmental message that even modest changes can make a vital difference to wildlife.
Student and Teacher Printable Worksheets for documentary - The Year Earth Changed
Here is a student worksheet PDF in graphic organizer style for you to use with your students. Also available is a Teacher's Guide for the worksheet.
How can we make changes to better co-exist with the natural world?
This documentary and worksheet will provide a great jumping off point for a class discussion or written assignment focused on the question: How can we make changes to better co-exist with the natural world? Use on Earth Day or with your environmental science curriculum.
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